Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back in the Saddle-Blogpost

Back in the Avastin (intravenous chemo) saddle again. I received my 17th dose on Friday. Feels a little like starting over again after skipping a dose, but it's good to feel the awesome healing sting. I also received a flu shot. Nothing special about that except that I now feel impervious to those contagious folks who still come into work anyway, but still vulnerable to H1N1 until Dr. F decides it's a good thing for me. Thank goodness he's big on research.

Good times with Elise on the drive to Houston and back except when the chocolate on her granola bar looked funky. It's the little things that bug us not the big-ass ones. One would expect a brand spanking new chocolate covered granola bar to have grade A chocolate, but maybe our expectations are too high for an Exxon station.

Here are my two favorite quotes for the week in doctor visits. And yes they are absolutely taken out of context:
"Can you turn and face the other direction, I'm right-handed."
"Jan, we don't actually get extra points for killing you. After we've spent all this time and research getting the tumor small enough for resection, there are no extra points for killing you during the surgery."

Peaceful healing,


Anonymous said...

gotta love bedside manner.
glad to see you are back on the road.

The Cannings

Delores Goodrich said...

Good news, Jan! Now, whenever I see a starlight mint, I'll think of you (not spewing). Hugs to you.