Monday, February 16, 2009

Lean Into It.

I was in Houston this past week for another three-cycle measurement and a 21-day jolt of chemo. I had a small amount of reduction, around 1cm. This shrinkage will bring my total reduction percentage up to approximately 16%. I'm heading in the right direction. However, this number is not anywhere near a size that can be surgically removed because of the position of the tumor and two key blood vessels. Another issue is the amount of blood flow to and from the tumor. When tami tumor set up camp, she drove her stakes in deep. I think it is safe to say that as long as this chemo is reducing the size of the tumor and/or controlling growth, we are in for a long haul. Lean into it. I am.

Still no signs of a primary tumor.

I met my new study RN who I will call Harley RN. The bike story will come later. I'll work with Harley RN rather than RN Melissa who has moved on to do other things and is no longer with MD Anderson. Dr. G and PA Brand have increased my dose of a med to help with the blood pressure. It just makes me a little crabby at times. Cousin Julie's comment was, "hard to tell a difference because you're so crabby anyway Jan". She means it with love, but not hugs. Julie is not a hugger.

I traveled from Austin this time with our family friend, Ruthy. Ruth managed to bullshit her way into the IV room with me to watch. She told them she traveled all the way from Paraguay so she needed to come in with me. Nice move. I'm always amazed at how few boundaries I really have or how laid back MD Anderson seems to be at times. When they start letting Julie give me the IV, we might need to be concerned. She asks frequently if she can give me the IV using the magical "veinfinder" machine, but they just laugh at her. Incidentally, Julie has never asked if she can administer the contrast enema....

Cousin Lee Ann and my pal Greta also joined us. Greta gave me a kickass necklace made of crystals and stones to heal and calm me and my liver.

I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your support.


PS. Since Nurse E. has been the one to give me the last three contrast enemas during these CAT scans, I've decided it might mean we are married n some cultures. I haven't told him that. I'll just start referring to him from now on as my enema husband, or my "husbenema". Who says I'm no good at long-term relationships?