Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Surgery

December 1, 2011

Surgery: Sharon Adams

The 14-hour surgery went well. Dr. Boudreaux got the primary tumor out as well as two other small tumors. He also removed 75% of the large tumor in her liver. He was not able to remove the remaining 25% because the bleeding at this point became too dangerous to risk continuing. He used microwave ablation (he zapped the remaining part of the tumor just like you would cook something in the microwave) and a chemo wash. He is hoping all of this will kill the rest of tami tumor. 
The primary tumor sends out "daughters" that grow and by getting this tumor, no more daughters will be sent out to reek havoc on Jan. Dr. B. did explain that some undetectable "daughters" may have already been sent out and we will deal with those as they pop up. They will continue to do scans to monitor tami and any tumors. 
The parts of tami that were removed were sent away to be tested so we can learn more about the cancer and to try to figure out how to successfully kill others as they come up. 

Jan will be in ICU at least until Saturday. There are many tubes and drains coming out of her. She is in pain and is experiencing the carcinoid symptom of flushing. Dr. B. and the anesthesiologist had hoped to keep her sedated most of this morning but that didn't work out. They had to back off the sedation because it made her blood pressure get too low. Also, her oxygen levels are low, but they are monitoring this and managing it. They won't let her have any water or ice chips. Jan asked if they were aware that water has oxygen in it and that giving her water might help. She has also informed us that maybe if they would take this damn tube out of her right nostril she could take in more oxygen. She has to do lung exercises and when the nurse talked to her about an incentive to do this she tried to get the nurse to give up ice chips as an incentive. I think they are all afraid of her at this point, which makes me laugh because honestly she has not reached a high enough energy level to be scary. I keep telling Jan about all the love and support coming in for her.

Post Surgery Day 2: Sharon Adams

It was definitely a more difficult day for Jan. She is very sore and was running a fever earlier but it's better now. She sat on the edge of the bed and we hope she will be able to sit in a chair for a bit tomorrow. She is exhausted and they expect her to be in ICU for another 3-5 days at least. Her oxygen levels were a little better today. Everything she is experiencing seems to be expected after going through a 14-hour surgery so we all feel good about how things are going. Thank you all for your support.

Day 3: Julie Grammier

Jan had a good night. They used a Darth Vader style oxygen mask on her last night so she was able to rest easier. She’s sitting up more today. Breathing better, no fever. She wants water really bad or ice chips. Dr. B. and Dr. T. made a deal with her for every 10 blows on the breathing machine she can have one ice chip. For those that know Jan, how well do you think that went over? Dr. B. said she is right on track, for her healing and getting better. He comes in twice a day to check on her. They are letting a family member stay with her during the day even though she is still in ICU, so that is good. Keep the prayers coming for her healing.

Day 3: Greta Nardecchia

I visited Jan today. There was a new strict nurse so Sharon and I were limited to visiting hours. Jan sat in chair for first time for a few hours. When we returned in the afternoon she was very alert and looking improved. She was in bed intently watching the LSU game because the doctor told her she would get ice chips for each detail she could recount of the game. She is taking all the ice chip incentives very seriously (working diligently at her breathing exercises). When I left at 4 they were still waiting for her digestive system to wake up, so no water or food yet. They say she'll be in ICU probably until Monday. She is uncomfortable so please keep your prayers coming.

Day 4: Sharon Adams

Jan is doing well and is on the mend. She sits in a chair for 3 hours at a time, which is exhausting but has helped her, regain her strength significantly. I'm annoyed with the nurse that won't let me hang out in the ICU with Jan, but she is nice and very good with Jan so I'm getting over it. It doesn't feel good to be out in the waiting room and not able to help much. This was definitely harder than Jan ever imagined it would be. Her oxygen levels are still good and some other things have improved that I can't even begin to describe or explain. She still can't have water and they have stopped the ice chips because they were causing her to hurl. We still don't know how long she will be in the ICU. I don't imagine they will put her in a regular room before Wednesday. Thank you for all your positive thoughts and prayers.

Day 6: Sharon Adams

Just happy to say Jan is being moved upstairs to her own room (sometime this afternoon) after being in ICU for 6 days. She got the NG tube out last night (that's the tube/drain that went through her nose to her stomach) and she is off the oxygen. She is in good spirits. Her ICU staff were wonderful and we are hoping the 5th floor staff are just as awesome. I will be able to spend the night with her at the hospital now. Yeah!!!

Day 7: Sharon Adams

Jan has been moved to a private room and we no longer have to worry about me being kicked out. The ICU staff was absolutely wonderful. She was moved to a newly renovated room on the 5th floor and I get to spend the night with her now. Even though Jan is out of ICU and has many of the tubes out, she is still very focused on managing pain and getting her strength back. She’s not very communicative when she doesn’t feel well. I read her the text messages as they come in and the FB messages when we check it in the evenings. She is resting often and is still recovering physically. She probably won't be ready for visitors until she gets back to Winnie. Again, thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes. She feels very loved and this has helped her recovery tremendously

Day 8: Sharon Adams

It took a while but Jan was discharged from the hospital this evening. She is settled in the hotel in Kenner until she sees Dr. B. again on Tuesday. She is continuing to rest and work through the soreness. It is a very large incision. Oschner was an incredible hospital with wonderful staff. Everyone there was very kind and compassionate.

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