Published from Jan's Sunday Punch Blog.
I tried to take the summer off from cancer. (Insert LYAO) Here is an update since my last post. As many of you have kindly pointed out, the last time I posted was April 13. At least it was in 2011.
Last May, my doctors in NOLA reviewed test results from earlier that month, and were surprised and delighted at my 1cm reduction in tumor size. I was pretty damn happy about it, too. They suggested waiting until October to test again. I said no. We compromised by having me take a 5HIAA test which measures tumor markers over a 24 hour period and some blood tests. Those tests, taken in July, came back consistent with results of similar tests. What does that mean? It means I've been stable since April. My next scheduled measurement testing (CT and Octreoscan) was last week. I travel to NOLA again next week to discuss results and options for moving forward. I suspect it will be some sort of radiation treatment again, but slightly different than the Sirspheres.
In May, my local oncologist suggested or "wished for me" the ability to take the summer off from cancer. I laughed at her and questioned her sanity. She said, "I know, it's not possible, but wouldn't it be great if you could just turn it off in your head for the summer?" It was a great idea, and I gave it a good shot. For awhile I found myself thinking about things like crazy deadlines, stupid hackberry trees, non stop heat, appropriate water levels for tubing, the mom and baby giraffes as YO Ranch, missing fireworks on the fourth of July, Mozes and the endless amount of squirrels he chased, SPF ratings for the beach at Surfside and that crazy Labor Day Phase 10 tournament. I won.
It wasn't possible to totally forget about this big ass tumor or whether a transplant is really a viable option or integrating more supplements and increasing acupuncture sessions, and so on and on and on.
It was a busy, fun summer. Cancer or no cancer. I can't make any promises, but you're due an update next week after my trip to the Big Easy. Thanks for the continued support.
smack pow, jan
PS. Goodnight Steve
I love our crazy oncologist. When I see you next (soon I hope) I need to tell you what she recently said to me. Also, even more than that, I love you. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you. And good luck next week. Personally, I'm hoping for a "mind over matter" miracle. I bet your tumor got sick of being ignored and took off, right?
Ha. that would be great if ignoring tumor made her go away. awesome. i thank you very much and i love you back.
Jan... I have questions for you.. I wss in the waiting room with your sister and cousin in Kenner this summer... my husband has neuroendocrine.. my e-mail is
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