From Jan's Sunday Punch blog.
I've spent the last few months researching and visiting specialists. I'm waiting on the third surgeon to determine if he can do surgery. If not, I've got to determine what the second best option will be. The scenarios: y90 Microspheres, bland embolization and the third is Peptide Radio-Receptor Nuclide Therapy (P.R.R.N.T) treatment in Europe. All have their benefits, and challenges in terms of side effects and insurance. When a treatment plan is determined, I hope to work in parallel with the Mayo clinic to determine if I qualify for a liver transplant.
I'm trying not to freak too much at the delays and the time it takes for everyone to weigh in. I'm also trying to keep it all straight in my head since everyone who weighed in has a different opinion or "idea". I'll keep you posted.
Here are a few observations from the last few months:
Here are a few observations from the last few months:
- This tumor takes up 60% of my liver. Fortunately this has not changed much since my diagnosis in 2008. My expectation until this statistic was presented to me by Dr. O'Do at University of Iowa was 40%...tops. Imagine my surprise.
- My brother David is a wimp about bland food and believes this is the only thing all restaurants in the midwest serve . Next time we'll need to pack a bottle of cayenne pepper sauce for him to have when the whining starts.
- Midwestern folks refer to parking garages as ramps. Sure, I knew about stuff like pop meaning soda, but it would have been good to know this before we tried to find a place to park at U of I. Not to mention the added drama of David trying to maneuver a minivan. (Thanks for going with me Dave)
- Not every CT scan requires an enema so it's a good idea not to keep asking "am I going to have to have an enema" every time you have a scan. People look at you funny and say stuff like "do you really want one Ms. Kiker?"
- The people I met in Minnesota were some of the nicest. Sharon and I were certain the Mayo Clinic was heaven. (not really heaven, but you know what I mean...impressive)
- On several occasions at Mayo, Sharon had to be retrieved from the rotating doors used in every building at the facility. I thought she had become more sophisticated about moving doors since her move to Austin back in 85, but maybe she's reverted back to her country ways after moving to Kyle? (thanks again sister for going with me to MN)
- Being trapped in a room or car with my dog after he farts. If the the noxious gas he produces was some sort of miracle tumor shrinking treatment, I'd be cured. If there had only been a warning label on his little dog ass before I...
- I am the 2010 World Cup Phase 10 Champion.
love, love, love,
ps. Thank you Carolyn and Minarovics for insisting (guidance, suggestion, hammer?) on a trip to Mayo. You were right. They are willing to consider a transplant. Thanks again.
Good luck with any and all your choices. Europe wouldn't be all bad for some appointments especially if you can arrange treatment on a beach in Nice! I have heard dogs are therapeutic in terms of being good company but not methane production. However, stranger things have happened. keep the windows up!
Are midwesterners the ones who refer to bags as sacks too?
love from the Cannings.
Hugs and kisses to you. Just checking in. Much love, Nancy
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