Yes. The suspense is making me crazy. I head to Houston this week for relief from the suspense of whether or not this study is shrinking tami the tumor. It would be awesome if the Dr said, "tumor? what tumor Ms. Kiker?" I don't think that's going to happen, but I'm hopeful there is shrinkage.
I'm packing my robe and slippers......just in case. Stay tuned.
We're assembling the superfriends now to send maximum good mojo your way.
thanks bills. i hope you and the boys are doing well. I'll have my Superman dog tag with me during the test.
I'm right behind you (to Tampa) Jan; as you know, I'm in a RAD trial and will have my scans on the 23rd. Frankly, I'd be thrilled with "stable" given how fast my tumors were growing before I started the drug. Hope you have an anxiety-free trip, and let's compare notes later in the month.
"All I want for Christmas is for the RAD to work!"
GOOD LUCK KRISTY. I'm sending you great thoughts for positive results. We absolutely have to compare notes later in the month. Thanks for the good wishes.
I'm sending all good thoughts and prayers your way. You've been such an awesome trooper and have the strength of a full army.
Fingers crossed and wishing with all of my might. Good luck!
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