I'm on cycle 5 of the Rad 001/Avastin study. My visit to MD Anderson this week was very positive. No scans, but I had a GREAT, yes all caps great, exam, blood and urine tests, and another dose of the Avastin chemo. My white blood cell counts are not dropping, which is good news. My previously troublesome hobgoblin tests are now normal and it appears I'm the healthiest I've been for quite a few months. Dr. F and Mel seemed really, really happy. It was as though I made a 98 on a test after making numerous borderline Ds. Not quite 100%, but still great. I think my liver even felt a bit smaller when the doc did his routine punch and jab exams. Yes, Dr. F even practices his own punches on our gal tami tumor. And, it seems as though we might have the angina/heart side-effects under control for now.
I'm coming up on my one-year diagnosis anniversary,.. birthday? Not quite sure what to call it. But yes, it will be a year this month. I'm not sure what the recognition for an anniversary like this should be. Any other “celebration” BC, would have required a Makers Mark (straight up) with a menthol cigarette. But that hardly seems appropriate with huge ass cancerous tumor in my liver. Fireworks maybe? Or just hanging out with family and friends and I've been doing that since Thanksgiving. So maybe I'm already doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing to recognize tami's introduction into our lives.
Christmas with Sharon, Mark, Cory, Luke and Sam was awesome. There is nothing like hanging out with a 4, 5 and 8 year old on Christmas morning. It was a Superhero and Star Wars Clone Wars day. And for as many games of Phase 10 that were played during the Hurricane Ike evacuation, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, it is safe to say my status as Phase 10 champion for 2008 is still intact. I cannot wait to read the contradictory responses to this one statement.
I'm looking forward to 2009. I'm looking forward to this damn tumor moving out, with the help of Dr. A, of course. I'm looking forward to being able to say I did kick cancer ass. My heartfelt thanks to my family and many friends who have been there for me during this very difficult year. I cannot imagine how much harder this would have been without your constant love, hugs, prayers, well wishes and support. I feel very blessed. And yes, I appreciate the hugs. Really.
Happy Holidays,
What a great way to start the new year, with great news like this...I'm thrilled to read it and so happy that progress continues to be positive. You rock Jan -- keep kicking cancer ass! Bill's next MRI is tomorrow and the anxiety is building but I remain hopeful. Nancy
This is a great post, Jan, filled with good news both in and between the lines. Here's to kicking more ass in 2009.
Nancy, I'm anxious to hear how things went today.
Thoughts and prayers will all of you.
That is such good news I am dancing a little dancy-dance.
this is going to be a fabulous year for you jan. only positive vibes here on out. take each day like your nephews/nieces with santa... stockings stuffed with with happiness. A toast to tami... because she won't be around much longer. Here, Here!
I whole-heartedly believe you are Phase 10 champion. Such great news all around. And I'd like to second Miranda's sentiment about facing this year like a Christmas stocking. Here's to you.
Maybe to acknowledge the anniversary the rest of us could take a wheat grass shot in your honor? On my behalf, consider it done.
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