The following removal methods are not restricted by time, space or reality:
- The largest wave from hurricane Ike would sweep tami out-to-sea along with Dr. Ben's beach cabin.
- I could remove my liver during pottery class and place it on the potters wheel. After centering on the wheel, I'd use my hook to scrape tami's fat ass off my liver. Of course, my liver would be replaced after I smooth any rough edges with my sponge. tami and team would be fired in the kiln and turned into an ash tray or a toothpick holder.
- D'Lisa could shoot tami off my liver with her deer rifle. Yes, this is tricky but, she could do this without ever harming me. After retrieving the tumor, she and Mark would have tami stuffed and mounted for the deer camp. tami would stay there for eternity collecting dust, cigarette butts, beer caps, etc. (Please note, before and during the time of removal there would be no drinking by the shooter.)
- Dennis Quaid would travel to the tumor site in that tiny spaceship he used in Innerspace (1987). Cory, Sam and Luke would go along with him as backup support with the swords and Ben 10 watches they use on everything else that moves. Once inside, they could successfully use all tools necessary to remove and obliterate all tumors. When finished, they'd come back home to a Happy Meal, complete with chocolate shake and toy suprise as a reward for the hard work.
- A new televisions series on JBO (Jan's Box Office) with a hot tampire named Bill as the main character. However, this tampire doesn't feed on blood as vampires do, but on tumors. I play the sassy, southern waitress (tampire banger) Bill seduces and feeds off of. After months of crazy tampire antics, tami and her friends are removed and... I'll work this one out offline.
- I'd beat the shit out of tami in a Phase Ten tournament. The winner (me) would leave the table with a clean, tumor-free liver and a clever tee-shirt.
- Elise and Susan decide to try removing tami with shuffleboard weights after a night of karaoke and drinking at Lovett's in Port Aransas. tami and I are situated at the other end of the table and the removal process begins. Both ladies consider themselves to be experts at shuffleboard and karaoke after a few drinks. It could work.
- Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble would use those big clubs on tami and smash her to a pulp. Then Fred would effortlessly peel her away and sling her into a new century. Preferrably not this one.
- The alien spaceship that will be coming down to collect Dubya will also pick up their missing tumors, including tami and friends, before returning to the Mother Planet forever. Their planet will give them all the love and compassion they need so they no longer have to try to find it here.
No explanation needed.
punches, jan
PS. Remember to vote.
A liiiiittle bit worried about what other shows might be on "Jan's Box Office" but other than that, I love 'em!
As the mother of Ben Torreyson, who worships Ben Tennyson (Ben 10), I need to correct the referral to Ben 10 "watches". They are Omnitrixes (or would the plural just be Omnitrix? Omnitri?)and WAY more powerful than regular watches.
All for #10. I believe it would work just fine.
I vote for #2, I think you could do it. I am still waiting on my coffee mug. I would go with #1, but Ike left too many pieces of the cabin behind(small chunks of blue tile). When you take it off we want all of it gone.
Alternative #11:
In a scene reminescent of "Dallas", Jan wakes up to find Patrick Duffy in her shower...
#12, Jan jets off to Seattle Grace where Drs McDreamy, McSteamy, and McNewArmyGuy band together to rid her body of Tami and any of her friends then she moves to the Four Seasons Seattle Hotel where they make regular house calls until she decides she's ready to come back to Austin. We'll visit you in Seattle!
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