It has been a relatively quiet week from a health perspective. I had a cardiologist appointment this week and all my tests came back okay. Or at least it is all quite manageable. I will continue to go for regular check-ins and the current medicine plan for now.
I head to Houston on Tuesday for a day of tests at MD Anderson. Wednesday morning, I'll meet with Dr. F to see if his chemo cocktail has had any effect on the size of the tumor. We'll go from there in terms of any future medical planning. Sort of a fly-by-the-seat of Jan's pants type of approach, but it's all good for now. Mentally, I've decided to take the all out, full-blown, blind optimism approach to these tests. The type of approach that will leave me shocked and heartbroken if there isn't some shrinkage and I'm not taken immediately into surgery for tumor removal. So many times I over think things (imagine that), and allow tiny droplets of negativity to seep into my space. I decided to go with this approach to ensure that doesn't happen this time. Along with this ridiculously positive outlook and the boatload of wheatgrass I've consumed, I added a few extra prayers this morning for good measure. No pun intended. I'm going all out. Sister Sharon has warned me against this type of approach but I will not heed her warning.
I'm sure I'll have a fresh batch of photos and maybe an enema story or two? But just to be clear, no photos of enemas.
Thanks for all the great emails and good wishes.
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