It occurred to me as I was reflecting on the details of my last appointment, just how ridiculous some of the conversations we have in that exam room must sound. This latest visit reminded me a little of a police interrogation. One cop questions a suspect while another observes. Then the second cop comes in with questions to see if the suspect answers the questions the same way.
The question I inevitably get asked is: "How are your bowels moving?" (For the sake of my sanity, I am going to rename them "vowels" for this blog. I think it sounds nicer.) The first interrogator was Nurse Big Shot. She is Nurse Big Shot only because she is the one who delivers the big shot every 28 days. POW, right in the trunk. She is actually very awesome. I proceeded to go over the happenings in my vowel-world for the next 2-3 minutes. I answered as detailed as possible and then she asked even more probing questions about content and frequency. Enter Dr. F. After our usual niceties he jumped right into symptoms, pains and vowels as well. However, he had me clarify and describe more specific details and then had me go over it with him a second time. I have to wonder if he wanted to see if my story changed? During this visit, however, he had me clarify a third time. I remember looking at Sharon and saying, "am I making sense?" She tried to describe my vowel output to Dr. F as well. Occasionally Stephanie would chime in. I'm sure strictly for clarification or interpretive purposes because I damn sure know neither one of those boitches (with love) have seen my vowel output. After we finished with that subject matter, Dr. F. commented on how red my face and neck were and asked if I was experiencing the infamous flushing symptom that carcinoid patients have. I said I didn't think so and Sharon, God love her, reminded him he just spent the last 10 minutes grilling me on my poo. "Of course her neck and chest are red, hell, mine are red after that conversation." She's a great advocate.
I figured out later that Nurse Big Shot and Dr. F. each ask me the same questions and compare notes in his office before he comes back in with his final directives or to ask for further clarifications. They don't actually try to see if my vowel story changes. I've decided to keep a vowel notebook from now on. I do joke frequently about the interest these doctors have in my vowels, but it is an important part of the bigger exam. My vowel output tells them many things such as if the octreotide medication is the right dose or if I'm experiencing any colon/intestinal issues. Since they've never located the primary tumor, a certain vowel output for an extended period of time would indicate the need for further testing.
Overall, my visit to MD Anderson was productive and informative. Dr. F agreed he wouldn't try to give me a heart attack with his crazy drug combinations, and I promised not to have one.
Actually, there were some pretty strict rules established around my use of the Xeloda going forward. I'll have a 14-day rest and during that time will work with the cardiologist to "finesse" the drugs controlling my blood pressure, heart rate and coronary spasms. If Dr. G and Dr. F are in agreement and comfortable going forward we'll give it a second try around April 21. If any of the same issues come up, I'll stop taking it and try only the Temodar.
Enough medical talk. It was a beautiful day in Houston, sort of gray and cloudy, but beautiful none the less. The drive was great. Lots of bluebonnets and good conversation.
I'll update you on the next chemo round. If you have any questions or comments, please post them in the blog. It's really a good place for me to blab, but also a good place for a conversation.
Much love,
Your blog made my Monday morning. Sounds like a typical family conversation in my home, Jan. Do you think Dr. F and Nurse Big Shot would like to come over to my home for dinner sometime? I think Beaver would like to hang out with them.
I'll check Steph. I am often fondly reminded of the Nelson family when I discuss my poo. No really, call me when you aren't sick and bring those kids over to look at my garden before the racoons get it. kisses
You need to bring Dave next time. If there was ever anyone who liked to talk about poo, it is Dave. I still think you need to make that color chart. That way you could just point at the right color. Better yet just start taking pictures. But please do not post them on you blog.
Perhaps if you cut down on the wheatgrass juice you would material to discuss. :) The whole diary/picture combo is an excellent idea. You could lay it out in a nice little brochure for them and take a little nap while they pour over the content. Keeping you in my thoughts.
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