Friday, March 21, 2008


I got a big PSYCH when I went back to MD Anderson last week to meet with Dr. F. (medical oncologist). There was not wholesale agreement with the “tumor team” about the portal vein embolization. If I had proceeded in that direction it would have made me ineligible for two studies and kept me from surgery for six months to a year. Instead, I am starting a chemotherapy plan Monday. Dr A. (surgeon and member of the tumor team) still feels confident he only needs the tumor to shrink a small amount and he can remove it surgically (resect).

The chemo plan consists of taking Xeloda and Temozolomide in pill form. I’m on a plan that lasts approximately 15 days, then I take two weeks off. I’ll continue this for two or more rounds depending on my reaction to the drugs.

I think this is an unusual course of action, but we are going to give it a try. Dr. F. used these two drugs together in 2005 when he conducted a study at Columbia. The tumor team agrees with this direction as well.

Hopefully all will go well with this chemo, if not we’ll try something else. Dr. F. was sure it wouldn’t make the tumor bigger.

In other news, I believe we’ve cooled it on the testing for now. Still no sign of a primary tumor. My last test was a week ago Thursday. I participated in a small bowel function test. I thought long and hard before mentioning this test because I was afraid to put the word “bowel” in my blog and because it immediately conjures up images of a small team of judges in white coats with scorecards ready to rate my latest “deposit”. Not so. It was actually a test where they photographed barium as it traveled through my intestines and colon. Nice and somewhat aerobic.

I'll keep you posted on any new developments and how the chemo is coming along. I thank you for your kind thoughts and well wishes.

Jan K


Janet said...

Just wanted to say I love you.

Unknown said...

Hello Jan, Stephanie told me the news. I went through this last year with my cousin who is more like a sister. She is 42 years old and is now a 6 month survivor of breast cancer. She was at stage 4, so we believe her positive attitude and since of humor helped. I lived with her for 3 months while she went through cemo treatments. Let me know if you would like a terrific breakfast juice recipe that will help with nausia and build up your immune system. Just let me know if you need anything! Kim

Kimberly said...

Diddy, the kids and I are thinking of you. Let us know if another batch of chicken soup (or something else) is in order.

Anonymous said...

We are always here for you in our lovely H-town, only minutes away for anything we can get you or to just come visit while you are at MD. You are in our prayers and we love you!
Martha, Jamie, Cole & Craig