My trip to New Orleans went well. Cousin Julie, sister Karen and I went in a little early to enjoy some good food and then gambling later at Harrah's. Not my usual night in NOLA, but we were celebrating Karen's birthday. Karen did well at the machines. Julie and I just sort of broke even.
I did slightly better than break even at the clinic. There was a small amount of reduction. I decided we would measure again in three months to see if I experience any additional reduction from the Sirspheres. If the size of the tumor stays the same or gets larger, then I'll go back to Kenner to have an intra arterial MIBG treatment. And hopefully go to Jazzfest 2011. I haven't found a good description of this treatment or analogy for it so I'll leave it at being similar, but not the same, as Sirspheres. No spheres are involved. But the doctor will deliver a blast of radioactive material to my tumor through my femoral artery.
My next steps, besides continuing to "reduce", are to revisit a doctor at the Mayo clinic to determine if there's any chance in hell I'm a candidate for a transplant should I eventually need it. I've heard Rochester Minnesota is nice in the spring. I visited the clinic there last summer with Sharon, so I suspect it could actually be cold. Looking forward to those nice folks there.
Thanks for your continued support, hugs and prayers.