And yes, it was a Starlight Mint that saved me from the perils and embarrassment of iodine nausea and vomiting.
Each CT scan requires that I drink a substantial amount of mixed berry flavored barium. It's a chalky white, milk of magnesia-like drink that I sip slowly for 1.5 hours so it will light up my gastrointestinal system like a football field when it contrasts with the rush of iodine being pushed through my system by IV. Each time the iodine is pushed through the IV a tidal wave of nausea hits me like a mac truck. (Think New Years Eve drunk. You have to keep one foot on the floor while you are in bed so you'll stop spinning.) I get dizzy, my mouth and nose both wreak of metal.
I've tried different things so I'll stop gagging (and occassionally spewing) while in the CT tube. First I tried smelling alcohol during the scan. Next I tried a wet towel around my neck. At last, one very smart IV RN gave me three Starlight Mints and told me to keep one in my mouth and I wouldn't get sick. I gave one to Julie because she deserved one for dealing with my neurosis during restaging scans. I popped one into my mouth before the scan and it worked. I say saved. The radiologist kept reminding me not to accidentally inhale the damn thing while I held my breath during the scan. Me choking on a mint would mess up her scans. I'm going to give that big needle using IV RN a hug next time I see her.
My Dad went with me for the results discussion on Friday and patiently waited with me for my chemo appointment. It was a long day, but he managed to find a quiet spot with a good chair for at least two naps. I finally heard one of my favorite words from a very professional RN. She said "oops" very quietly while she was trying to put the first chemo IV in my arm...it was awesome. No really, it was terribly funny because you never expect them to actually say it.
happy healing,
PS. The third Starlight Mint went to the chest x-ray guy because I put them in the front pocket of my scrubs and it messed up two of my chest x-rays. I thought it was the least I could do. I suspect he may not have eaten the mint since it was radioactive at that point.