So, it appears I am still the host nation of one 13.something cm stubborn-ass, currently inoperable, tumor on my liver. Again I am reminded of the wise words of one doctor who said "Jan, you're running a marathon, not a sprint." Most of those folks in that waiting room out there are in a sprint for their lives. You need to pace yourself because your race is a marathon. I've never run a marathon before. I haven't had to sprint since high school if you don't count trying to make it across the UT campus before class starts. I was actually built for the "throwing" sports. Regardless, I'll take it. Smart doctor.
As for my other appointments, all is well. Cardiologist appointment went well. Normal EKG. Blood pressure is fine. Acupuncturist is still sticking me with needles weekly. Therapy, well let's just say it feels like needles sometimes, but I seem to be surviving.
I travelled to my tests with Julie on Thursday and to the appointment and chemo on Friday with my great friend D'Lisa. I've been very lucky to have great folks who are able to drop everything to accompany me. Thank you and love, love, love. (Aside: Sorry Jules, but I think you knew I wouldn't be writing about the latest shitshow CT scan and resulting hilarious humiliation. Maybe some other time if I'm stuck for blog matter or if I'm ever writing a new episode of I Love Lucy.)
That's the latest update. If you are reading this blog as a note in Facebook the blogsite is located at
smak, pow and thanks for all the well wishes and prayers,