Each MDA visit is followed by a cardiologist visit the following week at the Austin Heart Hospital. I report in for an EKG and to discuss how my blood pressure is doing. We increased one of the medicines in January which may have caused some difficult side-effects that we are now trying to resolve by decreasing the meds again. Although the drug is helpful for maintaining an angina-free heart, it might have contributed to an increased depression, and caused me to feel listless, unenergetic and sluggish. Yes, "unenergetic" is a word, I looked it up. So I am still Crabby-Spice occasionally, but most of you knew that already. I'm working on the other stuff with a trained professional.
In general, ALL IS GREAT. Having another birthday is always a GREAT sign. It's actually more of a HOT DAMN I MADE IT ANOTHER YEAR kind of a sign!
I now leave you with an awesome quote. It's one of Nancy A's faves. Life is a roller coaster, be careful not to spill your drink.
jan aka Crabby-Spice